Sunday, November 13, 2011

From the Desk of Vice Treasurer Britten | "I rather a real enemy than a fake friend."

I an the Vice Treasurer. I’m like the Treasurer’s “right-hand.” I know already that the entire budget and having to deal with all of the organizations on campus and their financial situation is tough. I’m excited to be able to voice my opinion and help the organizations out. I know some organizations will not be happy or agree with the decisions made, but I am willing to work as closely as possible with them. The only difficulty that I will have would be not having a good relationship with other treasurers. Hopefully I can gain a powerful relationship with every organization. Besides, we’re in this together.

Vice Treasurer Britten 

Name your favorite song.
I may be young, but I’m definitely an old school kinda girl. Old school styles, music, the whole thing. I find myself listening to a LOT of Doug E. Fresh, LL Cool J in his younger day, K-Ci and Jo Jo and a bunch of other old school artists and groups.

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be?
All of the same color, four roses would each symbolize an achievement and/or quality I have set for myself to live up to. Independence, individuality, courage, and success would be these symbols. 

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
I do know for sure that I would leave myself completely obligated to give back to those who gave their all to me my entire life. My mother, father, and two grandparents would surely get a chunk of it; half at least. The rest is history!  
What is your favorite quote? 
When Fab said “I rather a real enemy than a fake friend; I rather know for sure than be mistaken,” I was touched. Lyrical motivation is what I call it.

 If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
If I can be invisible for a day, I’d run around scaring everyone. Slamming doors, making things float, knocking things over, and all other kinds of crazy things, I’ll be doing it!

Vice Treasurer Britten

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