Sunday, November 13, 2011

From the Desk of Adminstrative Vice President for Communications Henderson | "We are born with a name, we live to create an identification"

I am the AVP for Communications. My job is to advertise and stay up on social networking sites and trends. To not only promote USG but the events that correlates between USG and the Students of Buffalo State College. I believe this job is very hands on and technology forward. You must stay opened minded to embrace the unique atmosphere of the entailment of the job. The most difficult thing is to promote in a effective time manor. This society is ever so changing constantly with all of the gizmos and fast pace society you have to be able to manage and maintain promoting in not only an effective way but a smart way. Click the read more link to read more!

AVP for Communications Henderson

Name your favorite song.
I really don't believe in a favorite song. But the songs that fit my current moods are;
I'd rather go blind – Etta James Beyonce's Version
Soulmate - Natasha Bedingful
Blue Sky– Common

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be?
Sincerity, Hope, Love, Faith & Warrior (3 symbols). The graphics would be 7 Chinese symbols vertically down the side of my hip and stomach. I believe that through out my life each of these key components listed above defined, is something that I am ever so changing and evolving into as a human being.

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
I would simply buy a million more lotto tickets and win another million.

What is your favorite quote?
Patience is better than false arrangements.”- Kadejah Henderson  
I live by the motto "Dream Big & Fly High"

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would follow Anna Wintour Editor of Chief of Vogue around all day. 

AVP for Communications Henderson

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