Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why is the WORLD ignoring the Congo War?

The Democratic Republic of Congo is the largest Sub-Saharan country in Africa, located in

the central region of the continent and stretches to the west near Angola and to the east near

Tanzania. Joseph Kasa-Vubu was the first president of the country from 1960 to 1965. After

Kasa-Vubu the country only witness three additional presidents, Mobutu Sese Seko, who ran

the country since 1965 for 32 years. Laurent-Désiré Kabila took office in 1997, Kabila was

assassinated in 2001, and his son took over there after and he is the current president.


While the whole world is concern about the conflict in the gun control debates, the debt ceiling

debate and the crisis in the Middle East; they  still ignoring The Democratic Republic(DR) of Congo.


“The wars in the Congo  have claimed nearly the same number of lives as having a 9/11 every

single day for 360 days, the genocide that struck Rwanda in 1994, the ethnic cleansing that

overwhelmed Bosnia in the mid-1990s, the genocide that took place in Darfur, the number of

people killed in the great tsunami that struck Asia in 2004, and the number of people who died in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- all combined and then doubled.”- CNN Stat.


Many believe that the only way to end the conflict in this region is for the western countries to

stop buying materials from the country. The political/economic concerns for the citizens have

caused them to pick up guns and kill each other.

Signed, Senator Alieu Baldeh

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