Post Elections
Elections are a very hectic week. All the candidates were anxious to find out who was going to win
the spot they have been running for. This year elections was a big deal because
it was a referendum year meaning students had the choice to vote on whether
they wanted the student activity fee to be mandatory or voluntarily. The
results were mandatory:883 and voluntarily:245. Therefore, the student activity
will remain mandatory. Eric S. won USG President and Christina G. won for Vice
President. In addition, the new E-Board consist of Justine B. for Treasurer,
Sean L. for Vice President Academic Affairs, Serenity S. for Vice President for
Campus Affairs, Fatoumatou B. for Vice President for Public Relations and
Alimatu A. for Vice President for Student Life. About 1500 students casted their vote in this year's elections.
The reason so many students came out to vote was
because many senators and administrators of USG were nice to students and
persuaded them to vote. In addition, the candidates did a good job in promoting
themselves through posters,chalking and speeches. In the end not everyone was
able to be a winner, but encouraged student sto vote.Congratulations to all the winners. You all have ran a
good race!
Signed,Senator Tahnee White
Thank you Senator White and congrats to all the winners now lets make the "U" in USG the student body "USG IS YOU"